“I’m seeing the ’12-16 months’ worth of content prepared’ thing bandied about, and this is actually the result of a statement being repeated enough where the words change enough to change the meaning,” DeMeza said. The studio is instead bypassing the holidays to focus on "making sure the live game is working well," according to content designer Kristen “Caydiem” DeMeza who revealed the news on the official forums. WildStar developer Carbine Studios has announced the cancellation of Halloween and Christmas for their sci-fi MMO, though not because of a grinch. Strange how they avoided the whole magic bean thing. Characters can achieve level 50 and path level 30, just as they can under the current system.

All players will be able to create characters of every race, class, and path while choosing any tradeskills they like. Every zone, every dungeon, every raid, every battleground. We place no restrictions on any of the game’s content. That said, we will also offer completely optional in-game purchases that cover a wide range of player services, convenience options, and cosmetic offerings. Players can acquire the game, create an account, login and play through everything the game has to offer without spending any money, so yes, we do mean free. I mean they were delicious beans, but probably not worth an entire car." Turns out they weren't magic at all, they were just regular beans. "So, uh is this really free? Because there was this one time that I traded in my car for these magic beans. Someone who's been swindled in the past and is a little nervous about any new purchase, especially for something labelled 'Free'.

Created by ex-Blizzard veterans, the vibrant sci-fi MMO is set to become Free to Play later this year.īut, you might me one of those shrewd consumer types. That latest game to embrace the Free is WildStar from Carbine Studios and NCSoft. Am I right? Well, not exactly but it's starting to look like the subscription-based model for an online role-player isn't going to work anymore. Another day, another big MMO goes free to play.